郑毅博士在新加坡国立大学获得经济学博士学位,曾先后在新加坡东亚研究所以及西南财经大学金融爱游戏官方赞助马竞担任教学和研究工作,2014-2018年期间,担任闽江爱游戏官方赞助马竞新华都商爱游戏官方赞助马竞会计金融系副主任以及新华都商爱游戏官方赞助马竞华商教育中心副主任。她的研究领域包括金融市场、公司金融、创业金融和中国经济,其论文见诸于Singapore Economic Review, China&World Economy 等SSCI杂志。她也是国际杂志International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research (IJBFMR)的匿名审稿人。
郑毅,吴祥佑 林卉 肖明芳,论金融学专业双语教育实施的有效途径--基于闽江爱游戏官方赞助马竞新华都商爱游戏官方赞助马竞金融专业双语教学实践的探讨,文教资料,2020年12月
Sarah Tong, Zheng Yi*(通讯作者), The Belt and Road Initiative and China’s Trade Development, China: An International Journal, SSCI , 2019年11月
郑毅* 谷贺 基于VAR模型的国际热钱和国内物价,房价与股价的关系研究, 统计与决策,2014年5月,CSSCI
Zheng Yi*, Chen Heng , China’s Stock Market Integration with a Leading Power and a Close Neighbor, Journal of Risk and Financial Management , issue 2,2012
Zheng Yi*, Chen Heng, Who is more important, a Leading Power or a Close Neighbor ? An empirical study of Chinese Stock Market , in “China’s Economy in the Post-WTO Environment Stock Markets, FDI and Challenges of Sustainability ” , Edward Elgar (EE) Publisher, UK, 2011
Zheng Yi*, Tan Sweeliang, An Empirical Analysis of Stock Market Integration: Comparison Study of Singapore and Malaysia, The Singapore Economic Review, Vol 54, Issue .2, 2009. SSCI
Sarah Tong, Zheng Yi*. China’s Mounting External Imbalance: Trade , Foreign Investment &Regional Production Sharing: in John Wong (eds.) "China's Reform at 30: Challenges and Prospects", Singapore , World Scientific, 2009
Sarah Tong,Zheng Yi*, China's Trade Acceleration and the Deepening of an East Asian Regional Production Network, China & World Economy, Vol. 16, Issue 1, 2008, SSCI